Saturday, January 28, 2012

Delicious or not???

Well what can I tell you this week? We have really started off with lots of assignments, lots to read, to search and also interesting sites such as Therefore, I go back to the question on this blog: Delicious or not?? Well the answer is definiteley YES. I have been teaching for so long and I do use technology in my classes, but believe it or not, I had never used a page like delicious. I always had problems with bookmarking my pages because once you are in a different computer, you do not have all the sites that you already bookmarked. At first, I was pretty confused about how it worked, but then I literally got into it. I mean, I have started creating stacks and including links to it. The page is really awesome. Past are the days when I used to copy all the link and paste it on a word document. Jajaja, I laugh about it now. Embarrasing!!!! Well I am really thankful to use Delicious. You should try it too.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

ABCD Objective???

ABCD objective?

I always believed that writing objectives well consisted in writing the form and function of the language we wanted students to master or learn. Besides teaching English, I also teach methodology to students who want to become teachers, and I usually made sure my studenst included the objective when presenting a class. However, even when I knew there were different ways to write objectives, I tell you that I had never heard about the ABCD objective before. What I found most surprising is that this ABCD model is not completely new. It has been quite popular for almost 10 years.

When I first read about it, I found a little useless to include the A and the D (audience and degre), but the more I read about it, I noticed that including both steps, it made the whole objective clearer and more organized. I read some more information about the ABCD objective in this page, and the examples given are really useful if you want to write your objectives. You should check this page:


Friday, January 13, 2012

First Timers

The first time is always a nice, exciting, but at the same time terrifying experience because we do not know if what we are doing is right or wrong. What I intend to do with this first post is to let you know how exciting, but also frigntening, it can be to do anything such as: learn a language, teach a first class,  start a blog, or simply start a new relationship. It all comes to us so fast, but soon we become familiar with it and in less time than we expect, we are proud to say we did it.